Standard disclaimer: I am a Boston lifestyle blogger, not a licensed mental health professional. These tips are purely tips and to be taken lightly and implemented only where you see appropriate.
Feeling content with ourselves and our lives can be difficult. There is so much that we think about that can take over our minds in a negative way. Where the direction of our career is headed, anxieties over relationships, even that the dress we want to wear feels a little too tight.
During the most stressful periods, we see our body react whether it be our skin breaking out in spots because we are not be eating the right things or drinking enough water. We have bags under our eyes because we are not sleeping.
We can end up looking in the mirror at ourselves and thinking negatively instead of feeling happy and loving life. But here’s the secret to changing that today; you have control over this.
In the past week I traveled across the U.S. and listened to some of the greatest minds in Marketing speak.
Of course much of it resonated but speaking and working alongside some of the elite always makes me even more cognizant that we cannot waste our days or even hours. Don’t lose focus on what makes you happy and fulfilled.
Below are a few tidbits to keep you inspired:
Work on your mindset.
Your mind is your greatest asset and the one thing that can aid you in every aspect of your life. When you feel negative, it’s like a domino effect and everything falls.
The trick is to change your mindset and get into a new habit of positive thinking. This means actively turning every situation into a positive one, no matter how hard that may be.
It’s about feeling grateful the things in your life. You have your health; you may have a family and amazing friends. These are all things to celebrate. So actively do that.
Each day find things you are grateful for, it’s a great way to both start and end your day. Before you know it your mind will just do it for you and watch how things start to change.
Keep It Simple.
You don’t have to start a massive meditation project or begin a long quest to find your identity. Start with small steps that collectively will have a significant impact. Heading to bed at a decent hour and other acts of self-care.
I love Tiny Buddha’s 45 Simple Self-Care Practices for a Healthy Mind, Body, and Soul.
Get Energy with Exercise.
Nothing will boost your energy levels like even a quick workout. Get away from your desk for 10 minutes and take a quick 10 minute walk around the block. The sun alone will do you good but help you clear your mind and focus more clearly upon your return.
Maybe you have gained a few pounds during the winter months, or there is something about your body you don’t like. If you have the power to do something about it, then do it. If it’s down to weight work on what you eat and your level of activity.
If you are electing to take more serious action, consult with various professionals who offer a wealth of information, professional grade products and tools (like the Clarisonic for your body) to update your beauty regimen and valuable advice.
Get more sleep.
Sleep is vital for our bodies to continue functioning each day. So make sure you get enough of it. Develop a new routine before bed where you cut out the technology.
Relax with a warm cup of lavender or chamomile tea and a book (the old school version, no screens!) You could even go to bed an hour earlier. Make the changes and see how much better you feel the next day.
Make the choice to be content each day.
We make a choice each day. You may not realize it but the moment you wake up you choose to start your day with a smile or a frown.
So make that choice a positive one. Start your day with a positive thought. We choose to be happy and positive, just like we choose to be negative. Make the right choice.
Lose the Treat Yo Self Mentality.
Rewarding ourselves with snacks or wine after a healthy week is actually pretty counterproductive to our long-term goals. The pleasure is fleeting and the guilt or negative results leave us further away from where we want to be.
Instead focus on experiential treats. Work you way to a vacation or experience within your own city. A new kitchen appliance that you have had your eye on (it’s always healthier to make your own food!)
Start today.
Finally, there is nothing stopping you. Start today. Start right now. It’s time to be more content with your mind and body. Even if you aren’t feeling up to snuff, fake it until you make it and see how you’re able to gradually change your mindset.
Your happiness is within your control so take time to think about what you’re doing, how it makes you feel and where it’s getting you. Then make little, consistent changes.
What are some ways you choose happiness each day?

Cristea Emilian
May 27, 2016simple steps for a better life
Heather Robertson
July 24, 2016I think they changing your mindset tip is a great one. If I choose to be grateful for what I have each day then they hoops I have to jump through to maintain or improve it seems much more positive and worthwhile.