Our lives are going to be a timeline of good and bad events. Nearly all of the outcomes may be out of our control unless we put some serious effort in, especially when it comes to how we allow ourselves to react to them.
As many of the events will cause an emotional reaction, whether conscious or not.
What Did We Learn
One of the best pieces of advice I have received when facing hard times, is to consider the lessons learned during a time of misfortune.
To see an unfortunate event as a test of your character, and is it one you truly want to fail? I know I don’t.
This way you’re seeing yourself as a student, rather than a victim of your circumstances.
Though you may currently be in a valley, you’ll soon reach another peak as no lows or highs last forever. Keeping in mind that hard times do not last (only strong people) is another way to get you through.
Be Aware & Be Intentional
Follow your emotions closely, being conscious of when certain draining reactions are on the verge of emerging and be intentional in how you react (or hopefully choose not to react.)
Think deeply about why you tend to react the way you do and recognize that by doing so, you’re only becoming part of the problem.
This also goes for resentment. Holding on to anger and hurt typically damages only that person and prevents you from moving onto more positive, productive places in your life.
Forgive Yourself
Ideally, you should choose to forgive and free yourself from the feelings of anger that can stay within your mind and poison it. If you find it easy to forgive, you will find it easier to be at peace.
You should learn to handle situations and emotions in a responsible manner. If you explode and react emotionally all the time, you’re going to do or say something you regret.
Allow the dust to settle and try and view situations with perspective. Don’t ever allow your hurt and anger to consume you, even in the most trying situations.
With that being said, don’t walk away from situations that need to be discussed/dealt with. Taking on other perspectives will always help; it works the same way with advice and could give you interesting info or insight into the situation.
Don’t be afraid to listen to others.
Life throws a lot at us and sometimes it can be hard to forgive. That’s why you should focus on building your gratitude for life so that you may ride the wave and take on whatever comes your way.
Focus on the right now in life and try to enjoy every second of life you’re fortunate to experience.
Take the time to step back and asses your reality and drink life in. If that means forgiving little mistakes and grudges – do so.
How do you make a conscious effort to move past a particularly trying situation?