The way you start your day can have a significant effect on how the rest of your day goes.
Wake up on the wrong side of the bed and it could be quite the struggle to finally get out of that funk.
Oddly, it is possible (and actually quite easy) to wake up feeling energized and refreshed every single day.
By making small changes and developing new habits, you can start your day positive and proactive.
Below are a few tips on how to reimagine your morning to feel more refreshed and naturally energized.
Don’t Hit the Snooze Button
Many of just aren’t morning people, and frankly may never be. That doesn’t mean we have to act it.
Besides, the little bit of sleep you do get after hitting that button isn’t quality, restful zZz’s.
Who wants to go through three or four rounds of annoying beeping (or quasi pleasant music) as the start to each day? Once is bad enough, right?
But it’s what most people do. Every time you slap the snooze button, you head back into a sleepy state of mind, only to be awakened by it once more.
It’s not a good cycle to create so when your alarm sounds use the opportunity to get up there and then.
A great tip is to move your alarm to the other side of the room (or if this is too drastic for you, out of reach.) You have no choice but to get up.
It’s always essential before starting a new morning routine to get a good night’s sleep; this can be developed by looking into your bedtime routine.
Replenish Your Dehydrated Body
It may be the simplest tip you takeaway from this post, but I promise you drinking water seconds after you open your eyes will make a noticeable difference almost immediately.
The entire time you’re sleeping your body is working hard to repair itself, using its water supply to circulate important nutrients, bring toxins to a place where they will eventually be on the path to leaving, and keep your temperature at an optimum level.
So by the time you wake, you’re pretty depleted.
Drinking even a glass can help jumpstart your body function and ultimately your energy levels.
Stretch Gently When You Wake Up
As you get up, it’s important to stretch your arms and legs gently.
Stretching works towards maintaining your body and stops you feeling achy and your motions less restricted when you awaken.
It also helps wake up your mind and body. Don’t skip this step, it takes seconds to do but has lasting effects.
Avoid Your Phone
The last thing you want to do is get sucked into what Sally said in a Twitter meltdown or your best friends, ex-boyfriends engagement announcement and flurry of photos that followed.
It is so easy to get caught up in what is in our phones and take us out of our productive, positive mood first thing in the morning.
So avoid checking any social media and emails until you are finished with your morning routine.
It allows your mind to think of other things like positive affirmations of the day ahead, rather than the things going on that won’t effect you in a positive manner.
Put In What You Want to Get Out of Your Day
The food and drinks you start your day with are vital for your wellbeing.
Make sure you get the best start every day with Milo or a healthy meal of your choice.
Starting your day with a nutritional and balanced breakfast (including things like fiber, fruit, and protein) is a way to ensure you’re putting all of the necessary things into your body, it needs to perform at optimal levels.
Start Your Day with Positivity.
A lot of bad mornings have much to do with your mindset. So make a conscious effort to think positively from the minute you wake up.
Affirm (potentially out loud) how great you feel, how good the day will be and what you will achieve.
More importantly, showing gratitude for a decent night’s sleep, yesterday’s accomplishments and today’s gifts.
Once this becomes a habit in itself, it will be much easier to do each day, but offers massive benefits for your mental state and overall well-being.
Dare Yourself to Get Up and Move
This is a daunting task for some, but challenge yourself to head to bed extra early two nights of the week, waking early and working out.
You decide the form of exercise you like best, but try it twice and see how you feel.
I am no kind of morning person but I force myself to be, knowing how amazing I feel for the rest of the day and how it increases my productivity levels ten-fold.
Here’s to Tuesday (and a more productive Wednesday morning if it’s took late for today!)

September 22, 2016Such awesome tips! I always try and drink lots of water throughout the day and open the blinds to let some sunshine in 🙂
Edye |