Bostonfashionfraiche fridayUncategorized Fraiche Friday: S/W by N/E Posted on April 13, 20121min read174 views I am and have always been a bit obsessed with patterns more common in the Southwest…. VIEW the POST Share By Georgina 0
beautyBostonfraiche fridaynailsUncategorized Fraiche Friday Posted on April 6, 20122min read189 views It’s my second favorite day of the week and I am bursting with excitement at… VIEW the POST Share By Georgina 0
beautyBostonCharitable Givingfashionfood for thoughtfood reviewmusicnutritionUncategorized Update Posted on March 23, 20124min read770 views As I have previously stated, I am the most inspired when I am active. After returning… VIEW the POST Share By Georgina 0
blogsBostonUncategorized Stylish Segway Posted on February 8, 20122min read270 views In my quest to venture even deeper into my blogging, I finally did a few things… VIEW the POST Share By Georgina 0
Bostonbucket listmuseumUncategorized Boston Bucket List Posted on September 19, 20111min read219 views Living in one of the most historic and intellectual cities in the United States, I’m sad… VIEW the POST Share By Georgina 0
BernbikesBostonParisUncategorized Beautifully Green: I Want To Ride My Bicycle Posted on November 12, 20093min read336 views Lance Armstrong I am not. However, I do long to be the fashionable girl with effortless… VIEW the POST Share By Georgina 0