Let’s be honest; we all struggle to eat the right way. We try to do it right, but sometimes it seems like nutrition related information is changing all the time. Many follow the philosophy that life is too short, enjoy the cake, bacon, etc.
In truth, eating right is easy. And, it’s well worth doing when it leads to a healthier you. We’re going to pull apart your storage cupboard to prove there’s nothing complicated about nutrition.
Start your journey with a visit to sites like https://www.nutritionmagic.com. Here, you can find out what you should be getting. Forget fad diets and the latest thing.
Begin eating right by finding out the facts. It’s important you don’t skip this step. No one can get it right if they don’t know what they’re aiming for. Doing your research will make the struggle much easier.
So, where does your pantry come into this? To prove nutrition isn’t complicated, we’re going to look at the storage cupboard basics that could provide everything you need.
That’s right. Some canned and dried food should have your diet covered. We’re not saying this is the way you should eat.
Fresh food is always preferable. But, for argument’s sake, your pantry can help you remain fit and healthy. But, how?
Let’s start by looking at the major food groups. We all know the drill. Carbohydrates, protein, milk and dairy, fruit and vegetables, and fats and sugars.
Doesn’t look so difficult when it’s written down, does it? With these under your belt, a healthy diet should be easy to achieve. So, what storage cupboard essentials can provide what you need?
Carbohydrates are easy. Brown rice and pasta are cheap to buy and easy to store. In twenty minutes, you could cook the heavy carb meal of your dreams.
If you think there’s no protein without meat, think again. Take your pick from the many canned beans on the market. And don’t forget lentils. Be conscious of the options and their sodium content (choosing one lower on the spectrum!)
If you’re reluctant to give them a go, check out recipes on sites like http://www.thekitchn.com. These are a tasty, cheap alternative to meat!
While fresh is always best, canned fruit and veg still count as one of your five a day. Your pantry has also got your fats and sugars covered. Stock up on the right kind of fats by buying unsaturated oils. For sugars, stock up on healthy snack bars and dried fruit!
Lastly, don’t forget your healthy fats; olive oils, canned salmon and more! These are the fats that nourish the body (and brain) while helping you keep your cholesterol and blood pressure low.
Considering you can cover almost of all your nutritional needs in one cupboard, the struggle seems strange, doesn’t it?
We spend so much time avoiding the right diet because we’re convinced it’ll be difficult. In truth, though, it’s not difficult at all. As is so often the case, knowledge is the key.
As I am not a medical professional, please consult one before making radical changes to your diet and lifestyle.