Listen Up – Or The Fame Monster Will Get You

Posted on 4min read1868 views

 photo credit I wrote a piece on Gaga almost a year ago, I began delving…


Variations on Vesting Blog

Posted on 2min read467 views

I love a great vest… during summer I even had a version in a cover up…


Beautifully Green: I Want To Ride My Bicycle

Posted on 3min read294 views

Lance Armstrong I am not. However, I do long to be the fashionable girl with effortless…


Philanthropy: Choosing the Right Charity for You

Posted on 3min read410 views

Its that time of the year.. when everyone is focused on giving (and receiving) – not…


Current Obsession: Starbucks to Launch Caramel Brulee Latte

Posted on 1min read213 views

* Java junkies get excited please. With the arrival of Starbucks red cups is coming one…


Vocabulary Supplement of The Day

Posted on 1min read268 views

Gazar – A silky but stiff material that resembles organza only with a slightly more loose…


Wants for Winter – OTK is Key

Posted on 2min read280 views

As the numbers on the thermometer continue to dip, we find ourselves doing more than just…


Halloween 2009: Don’t Scare us, Avoid Looking like a “Trick” & Attempt to Give us a Fashionable Treat

Posted on 2min read319 views

Halloween 2009 is steadily approaching and as e-vite after e-vite floods my facebook event list, I’m…


Current Obsessions

Posted on 4min read293 views

Starbucks+Siggs: I allow myself one coffee in the morning. Where I used to drink foamy soy…


Your First Apartment – Don’t DIY, DIWS (do it with style)

Posted on 4min read557 views

I will soon be moving into my very own apartment (by myself, I do not do…
