9 Tips for Tackling A Larger Design Project

9 Tips for Tackling A Larger Design Project

Posted on 6min read266 views

    Decorating your home is a fun way to pass the time, improves your property,…


3 Ways to Focus on Beauty (Inside & Out!)

3 Ways to Focus on Beauty (Inside & Out!)

Posted on 3min read663 views

    Some social critics are concerned about what they consider to be society’s unrealistic standards…


7 Smart Travel Tips from Frequent Flyers

7 Smart Travel Tips from Frequent Flyers

Posted on 5min read482 views

    Traveling a lot can take its toll on your body, tiring you out and…


My 5 Favorite Fitness Apps That Keep Me Motivated with Verizon

Posted on 2min read228 views

  While this post was created in partnership with Verizon, the following apps are truly ones…


What Are Dermaroller Treatments And Why Should I Care?

What Are Dermaroller Treatments And Why Should I Care?

Posted on 3min read268 views

    By now, you’ve probably heard about dermaroller treatments. There may be some confusion since…


3 Tasks Around the House to Tackle This Weekend

3 Tasks Around the House to Tackle This Weekend

Posted on 3min read431 views

    Our homes (or apartments) seem to become old and worn over the years. It’s…


5 Stunning Renovation Ideas for Your Home

5 Stunning Renovation Ideas for Your Home

Posted on 3min read294 views

    Some renovations are not that visible, and while they may improve your life in…


Beauty Notes: 4 Ways to Achieve “No Makeup” Makeup

Beauty Notes: 4 Ways to Achieve “No Makeup” Makeup

Posted on 3min read547 views

    The idea of “no makeup makeup” is… well… it’s ridiculous, on the surface. Applying…


Decor Notes: Picking The Right Flooring For Your Home

Posted on 3min read204 views

    When you have made the decision to decorate a room in your home, it…


3 Ways to Kickstart Spring Cleaning Your Wardrobe

3 Ways to Kickstart Spring Cleaning Your Wardrobe

Posted on 3min read248 views

  ” width=”5804″ height=”3869″ alt=”3 Ways to Spring Clean Your Wardrobe” class=”aligncenter size-large” />   Every…
