Travel Notes: What to Pack for Adult Spring Break

Travel Notes: What to Pack for Adult Spring Break

Posted on 1min read418 views

    Long over are my days of drinking and dancing into the wee hours. Now…


5 Steps to Your Next Spring Home Refresh

Posted on 3min read575 views

  Now is a great time of year to be thinking about your home interiors. Many…


4 Ways to Deal with Extreme Temperature Changes

4 Ways to Deal with Extreme Temperature Changes

Posted on 3min read450 views

    Sunday is officially the first day of Spring here in Boston and yet we…


5 Ways to Protect Your Home

5 Ways to Protect Your Home

Posted on 3min read591 views

    Protecting our homes is one of those innate behaviors (and needs) built into our…


7 Tips for A Fun First Date

7 Tips for A Fun First Date

Posted on 4min read241 views

    First dates can be ridiculously scary. This is the stage where you’re just getting…


4 Ways to Secure Your Home

4 Ways to Secure Your Home

Posted on 3min read379 views

  Coming home to find your house has been burgled is a nightmare situation and has…


5 Ways to Bring the Outdoors Into Your Home

5 Ways to Bring the Outdoors Into Your Home

Posted on 3min read239 views

    Right now, its somewhat fashionable to have very open plan rooms full of natural light….


Food Notes: Boston Recent Eats

Food Notes: Boston Recent Eats

Posted on 3min read394 views

  As many of you well know, I consider this a lifestyle blog. However whenever I’m…


How to Preserve Your Wooden Floors

How to Preserve Your Wooden Floors

Posted on 3min read315 views

    In my opinion, homeowners should try to make use of hardwood floors where possible….


3 Home Renovations to Consider

3 Home Renovations to Consider

Posted on 3min read393 views

    Just like in any area of our lives, we find ourselves a bit restless…
