Feeling Something More & A Boston Giveaway

Feeling Something More & A Boston Giveaway

Posted on 4min read321 views

I was asked by Jody and Ashley to share my personal story of how I was…


Her Haus: Decor With A History

Her Haus: Decor With A History

Posted on 1min read256 views

My taste in decor has changed and evolved as I have grown into myself. Through college…


Scenes From My Weekend & Win My Luxe Earbuds

Posted on 2min read283 views

Friday began beautifully with a brilliant sunrise and a type of optimism only Bostonians feel on…


Quote Post

Posted on 1min read132 views

Testimonial post uses post format „Quote“ and it is styled differently. For „quotes“ posts it is…


Image Post

Posted on 0min read79 views


Post Format: Video

Posted on 1min read87 views

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit….


Post Format: Link

Posted on 1min read106 views

The WordPress Theme Review Team Website


Sparkle During the Week with La Marca

Posted on 2min read186 views

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of La Marca Prosecco.  It is…


Scenes From My Weekend & Chanel Giveaway

Scenes From My Weekend & Chanel Giveaway

Posted on 2min read332 views

My weekend kicked off to a relaxed start, coffee and Spring activity planning.  Farm to table…
