Traveling Beauty: Products I Never Travel Without

Posted on 2min read507 views

via I am the worst at packing.  Meaning, I wait far too long to begin, which…


Life As of Late

Posted on 1min read149 views

I am no longer a blogger that apologizes if she does not update each and  every…


A Saturday Collection: Introducing Linea

Posted on 2min read181 views

Saturday Collection posts are usually just that, a collection of photos considered perfectly appropriate for a…


Fraiche Food Friday: What Should I Eat?

Posted on 1min read231 views

Since I have been eating the same boring, healthy, Paleo, gluten-free food each day, this Friday…


What Would You Wear: Fall Wedding Edition

Posted on 2min read333 views

  Like most males, my boyfriend forgot until last minute that he  has a wedding quickly…


The Melancholy of Mondays

Posted on 1min read206 views

 It has become a bit more difficult to rise with the same vigor each morning. Moments…


Sleep Pink Party

Posted on 2min read144 views

When asked to host a Sleep Pink party for myself and several girlfriends to raise money…


Fraiche Food Friday: Recent Eats

Posted on 1min read157 views

As of late, my eating habits have been a bit predictable. Raw everything, wheatgrass shakes and…


Thoughts for Thursday

Posted on 1min read268 views

Despite the occasional blip, life has been wonderful lately. Literally – each day I wake up…


Workout Wednesday: Unbelievable Updates!

Posted on 2min read132 views

So as you may know, I have begun to challenge myself in making even  healthier choices…
