I am thrilled that summer is just around the corner. It has been one of the busiest winters of my life, yet one of the best! While everyone is in the midst of their Royal Wedding obsession, my only focus is summer preparation to ensure I make the most of it. Each year I add a section to my Moleskine scrapbook dedicate solely to summer. In it I include books I’d like to read, places/restaurants I want to visit, events to attend, things I’d like to learn, activities to try and at least one summer splurge.
Here is the beginning of my list…
Read 5 classics I have yet to touch. I have selected a few from one of Amazon’s “Best Classic Literature” lists. Of those are Dostoyevsky’s “The Brothers Karamazov,” Edith Wharton’s “Bunner Sisters” and of course “A Room With A View” by E.M. Forster.
Explore 2 new beaches, whether large and well-known or quaint and less-populated.
Dine at 3 top Zagat rated restaurants and do thorough reviews for each.
Maintain my bikram practice that has slimmed my body sufficiently to brave any bikini thrown at me and continue my consistent morning wheatgrass smoothies. They provide the most ridiculous amount of vitamins and minerals, make my skin glow, reduce my rabid appetite and induce a wonderful amount of natural energy. I’ve been hooked for quite some time.
Educate myself at least once a week using the Khan Academy that provides free lesson plans on everything from organic chemistry to economics, astronomy and finance. I plan to spend at least 20 minutes a week learning something new.
(photo credit. Nordstrom.com)
There will be a fantastic (or realistically more than one) summer splurge.
At least one will be productive, perhaps some sort of closet renovation for my shoe/sundress collection which seems to be growing exponentially.
That’s all for now. Let me know what is on your Summer 2011 bucket list. xo