The benefits of being able to do things around the apartment (or home) yourself are numerous and valuable. First (and most importantly) you’re able to save money you may otherwise spend on hiring someone to put together or fix something.
Second, you learn skills that could prove handy in all kinds of situations. Third, a lot of people find the process fun. I am not one of those people.
If you are, upcycling is a wonderful option and a way to be more creative with what you already have. Renovating a part of your home gives people a boost of accomplishment. A home feels all the more like your home when you put the work in to making it that way. So how do you become a DIY queen?
The tools
You’re going to need to ensure you have on hand all of the proper tools. Or at least get started in collecting them. Keep a toolbox out in your garage or shed that you fill as you tackle one task from another.
If you’re in love with carpentry and upcycling, you may consider a more professional glue gun from Glue Guns Direct. If you’re into configuring your own electronics, make space for some Black & Decker power tools. Don’t let your lack of tools get in your way. Start collecting and taking care of them.
The plan
It’s never a good idea to just jump into renovations with a scant idea of what you want. That’s how you end up on those DIY disaster shows. Instead, put some effort into it and put a plan together.
Get your inspiration together and do research on what tools and methods are needed to build this or fix that. Understand your limitations and what you can do yourself before you end up with massive damage you are unable to reverse.
The value
Besides making your place your own, getting into renovating is a great way to increase your value. From painting, to a bit of low effort garden maintenance, right up to installing air vents and windows yourself.
There are all kinds of changes you can make to your home to up its value. Take a look and see what seems do-able and work your way up. Just make sure you’d actually want to live with the changes you have in mind, for the long term.
The bathroom
One of the rooms that involves bigger and more involved projects is the bathroom. This is because it’s is based around your plumbing system and messing anything up with your water source means things can go horribly wrong.
However, don’t be afraid to tackle it. Just learn a bit of light work that circumvents any real danger. Make sure you know about the water mains and how to switch it off before you get into anything.
The garden
When it goes right, it’s a haven all to itself and a great selling point for any home. When it goes wrong, you might be tempted to ignore it entirely (previously guilty of this.)
But tackling your garden can drastically improve how you think about your home. From making a raised flower bed to adding your own wooden decking. Take a look at some really inspiring ideas and start making your own little slice of heaven in the great outdoors.

Linda Manns Linneman
March 23, 2016It can be so rewarding to be able to do things yourself. It gives you that sense of accomplishment. It also saves a whole lot of money. Thank you for sharing this great article
Amanda tukendorf
March 23, 2016Thanks for sharing =) I love recycling and that picture totally mAde me lAugh. Looks like something from the show “hoarders”
Lena P.
March 24, 2016Great tips! I love how much money I can save by “DIYing!”
Alicia Hewitt
March 24, 2016Thank you for the great tips! I can’t wait to try some of these ideas!
Nancy Burgess
March 24, 2016Great ideas andctips.This saves so much when we Caan diy
March 24, 2016I am horrible at DIY, tbh. BUT I want to tackle some projects by myself that I am pretty sure I can handle in order to save some money. The things I know are completely out of my league, I am going to ask for help. I am putting my ideas together and trying to be organized before I tackle anything. Thanks for any insight and suggestions you can provide. 🙂
gale mccarron
March 25, 2016This can be so rewarding, yet time consuming, so be patient and take on one thing at a time. I learned the hard way.
terri baker
March 27, 2016Thank you for the wonderful pointers!
Cindy Merrill
March 28, 2016There’s just one snag, however; if you are renting the apartment, the land lord may disagree with your ideas to improve the property. I had to ask permission to plant a few flowers out front of our house rental.
March 28, 2016Such great ideas for upgrading a house. I’ve been trying to garden but it’s a work in progress.
Marisa Castillo
March 29, 2016Thanks for the tips! Very helpful!
April 2, 2016I loved your pointers, so helpful. I’m not so handy, so I’ll be sure to check these DIY’s out and get to work!
Dotty J Boucher
April 11, 2016Thanks for the tips and suggestions, I think if your going to get into a project do the research first because even though a project might seem DIY , often it ends up costing you..
July 31, 2016Thanks for the tips.