Those of you existing in a corporate environment may be aware that office holiday party season is almost upon us. I certainly am, because I will be the one planning said shindig.
Being always somewhat dressed at work, I love nothing more than being casual and comfortable during my time outside of the office. One of my coworkers commented that I “always look put together,” and my boss has also said something along the same lines much to my satisfaction.
Depending on the venue, restaurant, rented event room or something more fun like an activity space such as a bowling alley, there are definite rules regarding your attire and conduct.
1. Most cardinal, do not drink too much. Nothing is worse than seeing coworkers do or say something inappropriate, only to slink into the office on Monday with the most embarrassed expression on their faces imaginable.
This is one of the main reasons I’ve stayed away from most social gatherings with coworkers involving alcohol. Any faux pas made are talked about the day after and truly, no one wins. I am also no longer okay with being hung over the next day, it doesn’t correlate with my productive mindset.
I read somewhere: “I used to be quite the late-night party girl. [Then] I started taking myself seriously. I didn’t overindulge in alcohol. I didn’t feel like wasting my time… I would rather be productive. These people who are always [going] out are the people not really doing anything.” This describes my current mentality to a t. Though I find nothing wrong with going out here and there, I am merely no longer a person that feels compelled to do so every weekend. And I’m okay with that.
2. When in doubt, dress conservatively. You can be fashionably creative without flashing your hoo-hah. Mirroring your otherwise office-chic style is a sure way to avoid being spoken about for the wrong reasons.
I love a festive party dress and many of the pieces that have caught my eye from the UK born TopShop, fit into that category without leaning too much on the “party” side:

December 5, 2011zapraszam na konkurs